I'm back in Moscow just for a couple weeks to see my family and friends. I left my boyfriend Mike back in Denver.
Anyway, we had a little argument over the phone about a week ago already and I haven't heard from him ever since. First I was pissed and now I'm sorta worried. I've called him all the times before so I think it would only be fair if he called me now. I called him about ten times today but he didn't get the phone. I know that the phone doesn't always ring and everything, but it was busy twice and then I reached his voicemail straight away. I doubt that he's screening my phone calls, but I'm not really enthralled either.
So I've been thinking about him a lot lately. I mean it's not like I've been seriously thinking about somemething in particular, but he's been running through my mind. It's "mentionitis" - somebody says something and it reminds me of Mike (irrelevantly). I met my really good girlfriend today and we spent hours drinking cocktails at this really nice place and then took a walk all around the city. We passed all kinds of places that reminded me of Mike. Well... could've reminded me of him if I had allowed myself to get all sentimental and sappy. I'm sure my friend doesn't want me to get all sappy and talk about Mike this and Mike that. Nevertheless, I was quite agitated I must admit.
However our "little" stroll around the city was unfortunately tainted by all kinds of guys trying to get our phone numbers. At this one point, some guy started following me and kept bugging me to give him my phone number. I wasn't even wearing anything that special, plain flip-flops, knee-length jeans and a tube top, but that guy just wouldn't get off my back. My friend tried to explain that we hadn't seen each other for half a year but he totally ignored the fact and kept saying stupid things. Turns out he though I was a ballerina because I have a "long neck and walk gracefully" (no, I wasn't doing the model walk). Weirdos. Seems like Moscow has become one big fashion show with people strutting around wearing their best clothes and trying to hook up with one another. Problem is, you can't even stroll around aimlessly and enjoy a nice evening.
Anyway, back to my original problem. I'm really upset that Mike hasn't been calling me lately for some reason. This plain sucks. Wrote him an email, hope we get things cleared out.