So, it's me again...
I posted on this forum about 2 years ago when I broke up with my ex.
Since than I was more or less single all the time till abouth 1,5 month ago, when I hooked up with a girl.
I'm 24 and a half, she is 20 and a half (tough I swore to myself I'll never be with a girl younger than bad experience but I believe that only a small precentage of younger girls/guys are mature enough that they don't need to "be wild" at their age - for example, I know that when I'm in a relationship I don't "look around" because I don't have the need to "test the market". So I don't want to lose lets say 4 years with sb younger just so she can find out that she is too young and has to "test the market")
Ok, that was a bit off-topic, lets get back on topic.
So, the other day she told me she is going out on a drink with a friend (co-worker from some charity work she did a couple of days after we hook up). The next day when wee saw eachother we talked and she mentioned that he told her that she has only 2 options:
- to dump me
- to have an open relationship.
She told me that she chose the 3rd option, to be with me.
She also told me that than he proposed a threesome (which I'm not really into, I told her that I'm too emotional for something like that, but she told me that she'd like to try it once - she's a bit wild on the sex side..)
This brings me to the post title - a bad deja-vu.
The EXACT same thing happened with my ex.. (i'm re-reading my old posts here, i didn't mention it there, don't know why).
But the same thing happened to me about 3 years ago, my ex came home from a drink with the guy she than later cheated on me with and told me the same freakin' thing about the proposal to either dump me, so he can f*** her or to just sleep with him while beeing with me (the "open relationship" thing).
Before the conversation I told my current GF what I went trough with my ex and that it wasn't a nice experience and all, so she knows what happened in the past (no details, but she knows that my ex "played with me" for the last 6 months before I found out she cheated on me).
Also, we joke around with my current GF about how she is mine and she has me and three lovers and than while beeing on vacation over the summer she/we joked about how I'm hers and how I have her and a young girl who works in the store (I hope you get this part, it's kinda hard to translate it to english).
I took all of this as a joke, but told her several times how much I love her and that I got hurt really bad and that she doesn't have to even think to fear about me cheating on her as I don't want anyone to go trough what I went. And I took all that "three lovers" thingy as a joke and I still do, but this ex co-worker is a problem for me...
So know I have a dillema. She did say that she told him that she is only mine and she does tell me several times everyday that I'm hers and she's mine... but I have a bad feeling about all of this (how can you blame me if it all happened to me before...).
Should I just let it be, enjoy the time I spent with her and don't say anything?
Should I ask her one more time (I did ask her this just after she told me what they were talking, but she gave me a "funny" answer, as in: you don't have to worry...just yet as he is not from this time..but he's coming to school soon, so maybe than you'll have to worry. Those were here exact words, it sounded like a joke, but in my country we say have of the joke is always true..).
So, should I ask her again if I need to worry about her ex co-worker and ask her to give me a serious response? The point is that I'm scared I'll screw things even more if I ask her, because she can than think that I think she's a cheater already...
The problem is that so far she didn't really do nothing wrong and I can't blame her for anything so that's why I don't know if it is even smart to ask her the same question again...
I also know that nobody that is going to cheat on somebody is going to admit it (at least not before they do it), so I really don't know if I should say anything, but I want her to know that I'm not going to sit and worry all the freakin time like I did with my ex. I want her to know that if I find something fishy, I'll leave her in a hearthbeat.
I know it is a rather fresh relationship (on 5th of september we'll be together for only 2 months), but I really really like her, she is something I was looking for for the past 3 years... So I really really really don't want to mess things up.
Sorry for the long read. Comments will be appriciated.
thank you.
I left out a small detail...
About 3 days before she met with the ex co-worker, she sent me a message over cell phone that she is going to work late and that if I go to sleep before she finishes, she'll find somebody else to drive her home (she usually does as she works in a restaurant and the have to be open till all the customers leave and most of the time I go and pick her up). I sent her back that (I wrote exactly like this) "No problem, I'll wait ".
She respond with "What, you don't let somebody else drive me!?!?"
I respond: "No baby, I just want to see you (I told her several times that I like to spend as much time as I can with her - I work a lot, especially last 2 months, so I can only see her in the mornings or in the evenings and sometimes durring the day as I'm my own boss and I can take a break anytime I want but I still work about 10-12 hours a day). I'm not that jellaous, you know ".
Than it got a bit weirder, she responded "Well if you're not it is enough that I am. No, I'm just kidding, I'm not. Only one person doesn't give me peace (in a way that she can't stop thinking about the person) and I don't know when he/she will (give me peace)".
I respond: "I don't really understand, which person? Somebody at work? Somebody else? Me?"
She respond: "A person regarding you. I know you told me that I don't need to be jellaous, but I can't help myself".
I told her that I didn't seem to explain her good enough that there is absolutely no way that I will cheat on her and than we exchanged some more messages which are not related.
I picked her up later that night, we went to her place and before we went to sleep, I asked her who that person is. She at first didn't want to tell me but than she told me that it's (let's call her) Melisa.
I started laughing (Melisa is a younger(she just turned 18) sister of my best friend (who commited suicide half a year ago because of his GF... ), who in the past (when she was 16 and I was 22, jizz....) really liked me, but nothing ever happened and since she was the sister of my best friend I didn't even want nothing with her and now, since he is gone, I really don't want anything with her as she looks a bit like him...).
I asked her if she is joking and she told me that she doesn't know, that she knows (she found out on vacation, I had a lot of friends with me, including Melisa) Melisa liked me and that maybe I'm secretly meeting up with her. The conversation ended pretty soon, but the point is that when I got the first message about a person regarding me, it was to say...strange to me. When we talked about it before sleep it kinda seemed that she is just making it up... Can't really say if she was, but it sounded like this wasn't really what she is having in mind.
Now, I don't want to jump conclusion, but I kind think this is either:
- something she can throw at me if I ever start complaining over the ex co-worker (tough my case is an absolute absurd, I maybe see Melisa once a year and she and everyone else knows that)
- she was "testing waters" and didn't write what she meant in the my opinion she kinda wanted to let me know that she isn't sold on me and that she has an eye for the ex co-worker...
Ok,...I'll stop now
Thanks for all the comments