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Thread: Ignored a girl and now she gives me the cold shoulder how can I fix this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Ignored a girl and now she gives me the cold shoulder how can I fix this?

    There is a new girl at work. Ever since she joined I have kinda had the feeling she was flirting with me. She teases me a lot, often finds excuses to touch me when we are alone and no one is watching, and is generally very playful and friendly. But at the same time she keeps her distance a bit so I wasn't quite sure where I stood.

    She is into fitness and I mentioned I was a member of the gym in our building and I could get her a guest pass. She seemed enthusiastic and we arranged to meet before work and she gave me her number just in case. But on the morning of our workout she was lacking in enthusiasm and after 15 minutes or so said she hadn't slept well the night before and was feeling a bit unwell and needed to start work early anyways. I was a bit annoyed and disappointed. Maybe I let it show too much because later the day when I passed her and her friend she turned her head when I said hello. But the following week things went more or less back to normal. At one point I mentioned the gym workout and said "lets give it another go" and she said that she didn't really like the gym and preferred her own gym.

    I felt frustrated and a bit rejected so I childishly started ignoring her a bit and paying more attention to my colleagues. She picked up on this and started ignoring me a lot. She is a very talkative confident girl and I am pretty quiet and shy so our dynamic has always been that she starts most of the conversations so it was much more noticeable when she decided to ignore me. I knew I had been a jerk and started it so texted her at the weekend saying "Sorry for being weird lately. I've been sleeping badly and that makes me moody. I feel bad because you are always so nice to me". She replied "No worries. I hadn't noticed any difference. You are always so nice to me".

    But on Monday her behaviour was definitely changed. Even though she wasn't pointedly ignoring me her body language was off. She wasn't meeting my eye and her voice was uncharacteristically quiet and subdued around me and she seemed very uncomfortable and aside from very basic pleasantries she made no attempt to engage with me. This has been going on a few days now.

    I feel if I say something she will just deny anything is the matter like she did in her text probably to avoid confrontation. I have tried being friendly and warm but she isn't responding in kind. Maybe I should just leave her alone to avoid further awkwardness. I don't know what to do.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Fl, USA
    Loving and being loved back is the purest thing one can feel in a lifetime, Take a look at this site you may find interesting to get useful advice/tips from professionals, https://loveama.com/

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    What do you want concerning her?

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