I was dating a young women for about 10 months, during this time I fell deeply in love with her. I thought she was the one, but luck did not go my way and she broke it off. That has been over year ago and I still miss her so much that it pains my brain to think about it . And things don't help me to get over it, I see people that look like her on the street, have dreams, someone mentions her name etc... I am haunted by her ghost.. I did finally get the courage up to write her a letter and I am going to send it off this weekend, so maybe she might write me back or call.....Yet it is a slim chance. This has held me back from dating and going out having fun, I have felt like shit ever since the breakup..... I don't know what to do, hopefully she will contact me but if she does not, i'm not sure what the else to do.