this girl has shown almost every indication that she likes me (says love ya to me, asks ppl when I'm coming into work that day, called me bae, drawn on my arm, goes out of her way to spend time talking to me, etc)
I asked her out before she left for her trip over the break. She said "yes, anything to get out of the house" and when I asked what movie she wanted to watch, she said "I don't care, you pick."
I called her when she was just about to board and we set up a specific date.
Second night on her trip, she sends me an email asking How I am and that she wanted to let me know she got there safely. I emailed her back the next day and no response...
SHe texted me two days after she told me she'd come back from her trip and when I finalized the location and time (changed it to mini golf) BUT THEN she says "I'll ask...where's mini golf?"
I told her and after a eight gruesome hours, she messaged "okay give me a bit my rents are shopping :/"
I then texted her "Hey, so what's the verdict? " and no response since around 9 last's 6pm right now...
Where do I stand?????????????