These 100 messages allowed store in our folders is not enought. These last weeks had to delete like 200 messages just to be able recieve new ones. Its sucks when you have to delete messages cause theres a lot of history which includes links of videos and skype contacts. Would be good to have at least 1000 messages before deleting them. They take up tiny space anyway and would be no load for the server since most members dont use this message option at all those hwo do are active and do it a lot. I have seen even posts where members ask to clean inbox so others can recieve their messages.
Also 1000 allowed characters per message is huge issuse. We are ending up spliting messages what leads to filling up faster those 100 allowed messages.
Suggestion is to remove these filters, expand these tiny folders. Theres no risk of spam since you have to wait 60 seconds anyway to send next message.
Thank you for reading.