Right, a common problem...or perhaps not. I started work recently and got friendly with a young lady. We both always made an effort to go talk to each other during our shifts at work, which was rather nice blah blah blah. On Valentines day I got her a card and a gift cos I wanted to take things further, which she took really well, and since then I've been on a couple of dates with her, the second of which I got a kiss (although just a peck cos she said she likes to take things slowly...so fair dos). She knows how I feel about her because we chat and flirt at work and on MSN etc.
There's a couple of problems tho which I wouldn't mind some advice about??? For a start she lives out in the sticks and so it's really hard to see her out of work. And perhaps more worryingly, her best mates are guys!! She does have some best girl mates but her parents moved away from where they are.
I'm not really sure how to procede, because I think the world of her, but I think I'm insecure about her having so many guys about her all the time + I'm seriously inexperienced at being in a relationship.
Can anyone give me some advice?? Please!
p.s. - I'm over 20 but under 25!