i personally want to know what you think would be too young? not specifically for me, but in general what you would think is too young.
Im 18 and she is 15 and 3/4, yet i feel like there is too big a difference as it is since i no longer go to school and she is only in 4th year.
also, i don't know whether i should ask her out or not. I attempted to at one stage 4 years ago and it didn't go to well, she did like me then but it was other reasons it went bad. One of which was how childish i acted about it, another about how annoying i was being about it. I ended up being one of those people who mopped about it for ages, barely spoke to her except when spoken to.
I know it would not be the same if i asked now, in that i wouldn't act childish. I know if she said no, i would shrug it off (partly due to the fact that it's what ive been expecting, partly because ive grown kinda cold in emotional matters). But i still don't know if i should or not.
one more question, more towards any female browzers: if one of you're male friends asked you out and you had rejected him, would you (the real you, not the you you want to be) still be comfortable to hang around with him, even without the presence of others. If it was just the two of you would you feel ackward.
PS: this is why i never write, i always say too much ><