OMG! My dad called me this morning to tell us he found Chris's book in Walmart. WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!! That is so freakn huge it just doesn't seem comprehendable. He's a first time author and they published it in hard back last year. It's been published in 3 other countries but to hit Walmart holy crap. HUGE! I am so proud of him! We didnt even hear it through his publisher or his publicist.
Now he's vamped to finally work on the second one he's been meaning to but hasnt had time. Priorities have changed. FINALLY!!
[url] +christopher+forrest&printsec=frontcover&source=we b&ots=dg5l6yrmLI&sig=ioT9wEVxaOe2f5iqtcKdCDYx10M&s a=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result[/url]
thats the best I could do right at the moment for a link. AWESOME!!