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Thread: Do I send this email? Being friends with the Ex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Do I send this email? Being friends with the Ex

    Before anyone reacts that it's impossible, I know at least 3 couples who are good friends after the breakup. It's not easy but it's possible.
    I thought it would be effortless on my part. 2 weeks after breaking up (it's been more than a month now) I thought I was ready. But I wasn't. The feelings were still there.

    Our last communication was a week ago. He didn't reply to my last 2 texts (the last being that if we could chat, because i wanted to tell him something important). I wanted to tell him that I was having a hard time being his friend. But since he didn't really reply, I drafted an email instead. Because being friends involves honesty.

    1. I want to be friends with you.
    2. It is difficult, I need space.
    3. I want to be friends with you after I fix myself
    4. What do you think about my email? (though someone told me to not include this, expecting for a reply which might not come is going to be painful. but then again if he is really my friend, he'd give an effort to reply)

    Some people told me to send the email. Others told me not to, and just leave him alone. I don't know. I want to preserve our friendship (without the hope that he'll take me back) and I'm scared that this email might make things worse. I'm confused.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You sound like you're full of shit. Don't bother with this nonsense. Doesn't sound like he wants much to do with you.

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