I'm a few years shy of 30, and I've just entered my first relationship some two months ago. Obviously, this is enough to make things complicated in itself, but my girl seems to have even more issues than I do, so I'm really out of my depth and I'd appreciate any insight.
She has a noticeable hangup about romantic/sexual contact. By now, we're French kissing (a lot), with an occasional grab of her butt or breasts. But she very rarely lets herself feel me up (even though she seems to enjoy it a lot when she does), and seems only barely able to stand me touching her bare skin anywhere but on her face and hands (all I've even had opportunity to try is neck, or her back underneath a sweater, not my hand in her pants or anything). On the other hand, the most passionate response I got during making out was by kissing her neck.
She's very insecure, both about her appearance and otherwise, she went to a Catholic all-girl school, and her mom left her dad for cheating when she was a kid. It's hard to tell cause from consequence there.
Having gone a good way into my adult life without sex, I'm in no great hurry to push things further. On the other hand, I do want sex and relaxed physical intimacy eventually, and I don't want to validate and entrench her hangups by being too supportive of them. On the third hand, sometimes there's this pang of fear that we might simply be a bit too messed up for each other, and that we'll just be investing time and emotional energy into messing each other up even worse.
Any thoughts welcome, thanks.