Hi! Im new here, my name's Belinda.
Im going to write this guy a letter in my art class. I only see him a few more times before the semester is over, so I plan on getting to know him a little before I actually give this letter to him on the last day before holiday break. [If i actually have the guts to do so]
We have never once crossed paths outside of class, not even in our school, and its a pretty tiny college. I doubt I will ever see him again, unless he chooses otherwise.
Anywhere, here is what Im going to write. Im not very good at gauging how people will respond to what I write and sometimes I dont get my tone across, so any help with making this letter better would be awesome! Thanks so much!
Here it is:
"I normally dont write letters to people I dont really know, but I figured what the hell. Plus I'll probably never see you again in my life.
If it means anything, I thought you were probably the most intelligent person in our class, and intelligence is sparse in these parts. I actually enjoyed listening when you spoke.
You were interesting. I like interesting.
Happy holidays.
- Belinda
P.S. I wasnt going to put my # down, because thats not where I was going with this, and Im sure you could have found me if you really wanted. But better safe than sorry, just in case you wanted to lend me good books or vice versa.
Firstly, Im a little iffy about the "you were interesting. i like interesting." line.
Second, I will probably make a little more personal the more we talk. Like, I'll probably rework the book part to make it fit, as Im sure we'll have a conversation about books sometime.
Again, thanks!