About a year ago I met this girl. I thought she was cute, and I had a little crush on her. But so did my best friend, and he acted first. So I moved on. Besides, the more I got to know her, the more I realized that she is not the kind of girl that I would want to go out with. They eventually entered a relationship. They seem to be very happy together. I know he really likes her, and it looks like she really likes him, but there are little moments that make me think that this girl may actually be a little attracted to me. I remember one day, I was in our school cafeteria, waiting in line to get some food. She appeared behind me shortly after. I saw her friends looking at us from a distance, smirking. She saw them and then her face went a little red. She also has a habit of looking at me a lot, and she apparently talks about me to her friends, family, and even her boyfriend. Sometimes she'll be talking to her friends, and they'll glance over at me. There are times where she looks directly at me, then she passionately kisses my best friend, and looks at me immediately after, as if she wants to see my reaction. Recently I was going through kind of a rough time, and was acting pretty distance from my friends. She randomly texted me one day at 2 AM wondering if I was okay. She later said that if I want to talk she's there for me. I know that this is all circumstantial, and none of it guarantees that she likes me, but I want your guys' opinion. What do you think?