To sum up my problem I had been dating a guy for about a year, but we weren't committed. He didn't want to be committed because he had just gotten out of a 7 year relationship that ended badly (also his first relationship). He is a very kind person, but I'm concerned about how things have gone down. It was very up and down (I would leave because I couldn't handle the lack of commitment, but then I'd come back). It bothered me that when I asked him if he loved me he would say he "could" love me. Toward the end he said a lot of reassuring things about how happy I seemed and how my mood seemed so much more even (he felt like I was too emotional with him usually). I couldn't stop smiling at him. The next time I saw him a week late at a party and things felt off from the start. He saw a guy kiss me out of nowhere. I was very drunk at the time but remember him saying "I don't want to hook up with you if you're going to let random guys make out with you" I kept trying to talk to him, but he kept refusing and told me I was "making a scene." I later apologized and said I was confused about why he would care since we weren't exclusive. He told me he didn't care, but it pissed him off that I made a scene. When I texted him back a day later, accidently sending him a text that wasn't even for him, he texted me back to **** off. A few weeks later I get a blank text and missed call from him at one am. I call him back a few days later and he tells him he was "just drunk and wanted to ****." It felt terrible, and I texted him back the next day "the next time you're drunk and want to **** forget my number." It's been about a month now since that happened and I guess obviously we haven't talked. In fact, we aren't even in the same country right now (I won't be home for another 4 months and he won't be home for another 2 months).
Essentially I want to know: Why do guys act like they want non monogamous relationships? Why did he have to act so mean if all I am is sex to him? Did he realize he gave a shit and freaked out or is he just done?
even though he hurt me I miss him a lot, and aside from this he was always a respectful and kind person to me who took time to talk to me and spend time with me outside of having sex. Yes, we had sex a lot, but hey, we had really good sex.