****ing site logged me out when clicking submit for my review had to re write it, as best I could because like a dumb **** I never copied and saved it first lmao
I think on am reviewing right on the limit of the time aloted, not sure but if so I am going to add something so others don't have to wait for me to put something in.
Was a nice type of movie for families to watch, teaches a lesson of tolerance, patience and loss and gets kids maybe learning to be more tolerant in their school lives too. I like John Cusack, and most of his movies and pray he never goes the way of Nick Cage lmao. I like he does small movies and bigger ones, he has a good range and a sense of humor or way of delivering written lines that are humorous that makes you believe what ever character he is playing, no different in this movie. Like the main character out of our last review -- wasn't characters I could relate with, Dennis or David's early life but still got something of value out of watching the movie.
The kid in his hide - in - the - box scenes really had you feeling for him and hoping he gets someone to help him out of his pain. In the story David and his wife were to adopt before her death and he after some healing time decided to go ahead on his own, not too many men will do that. Credit to the dude. Dennis got himself a kindred spirit there. Liked Joan Cusack and Amanda Peet in their roles, would have liked to see even more interactions with David and Dennis from both. The science fiction and magical theme made the movie even more interesting and the is he or isn't kept you as a viewer interested. The ending was well done, you know they will have a happy life together as a new family, maybe he'll marry Peet and get a new dog to increase the family dynamic. I voted for this movie first and second vote, enjoyed it even though it isn't my regular kind of movie to watch.
TheEvilJester want to ask us who reviewed so far any questions on specific parts of the movie to see how we are similar or differ. Or does pc ask, I don't know because pc hasn't reviewed the movie yet along with meg, and princess and paradise.
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Quote I liked, will add some pics like I did in other thread another time, peeps.
“Dennis, can I just say one last thing about Mars - which may be strange coming from a science-fiction writer - but right now, you and me here, put together entirely of atoms, sitting on this round rock with a core of liquid iron, held down by this force that seems to trouble you, called gravity, all the while spinning around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour and whizzing through the milkyway at 600,000 miles an hour in a universe that very well may be chasing its own tail at the speed of light; And admist all this frantic activity, fully cognizant of our own eminent demise - which is our own pretty way of saying we all know we’re gonna die - we reach out to one another. Sometimes for the sake of entity, sometimes for reasons you’re not old enough to understand yet, but a lot of the time we just reach out and expect nothing in return. Isn’t that strange? Isn’t that weird? Isn’t that weird enough? What the heck do ya need to be from Mars for?”
Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it.