Personally, I wouldn't trust a person that would be all defensive. He should even be asking your perspective in how to deal with it without losing a tenant (you got an answer for that?) It's actually good excuse that he's made about being a good landlord so that his tenants won't go away. For now, what I can tell you is do a bit of research. Find out if his apartment is a place where people might want to live (location, price, etc..) because if its hot property, then he won't have a problem looking for another tenant now, would he? also, she's not the only one renting, there are other... is he as prompt in fixing other tenants problems?
I do have some other questions. Based on what you've posted.
1. Why is it that this person's unit is constantly in need of repairs?
2. Is he repairing things that are not in his jurisdiction? Like the table you mentioned... Is that part of his job as landlord to fix?
3. Considering that he said he can't afford to lose a tenant, is he giving the same attention to his other tenants?
By knowing the answers, you'd more or less have a better picture of their relationship. Besides, This time around, we're comparing tenants now right? its not A TENANT versus YOU.
The heart always tells you to hang on. Never listen to it. It's bad policy.
He who laughs last, thinks the slowest