So im a young, only 18 year old christian guy. I have been on dates before and even had a girlfriend once, but she was really annoying and whiney more than anything else. Im just having problems with this one girl. After going out for coffee she told me she thinks shes fat and she asked me why a hot guy like me would want to see her. I should mention im really into health and im an aspiring male personal trainer. I actually thought she was really cute actually, i mean im not going to be picky over a few pounds of extra weight which could be lost in a month. After talking quite a bit through phone calls and texting she wanted to hang out again on the weekend so i took her to a movie. I put my arm around her and she cuddled up next to me, at that moment i felt as though i had everything i had ever wanted in my life and nothing else matters but me and her...I dropped her off later and kissed her on the cheek, when she got in i texted her goodnight shortly after as i had forgot to in my car, she immediatley replied. Anyways she usually texted me first several times a day, but yesterday i texted her once and no reply and now today im still waiting, might throw a second text today but i would hate to be stripped of my masculinity by coming across as clingy. Any ideas why she wont text me back?
btw im an electrician who works with all guys so i mean its very hard for me to meet people outside of bars, and the girls at bars are slutty and only interested in getting drunk off free drinks.