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Thread: my friend who now has a boyfriend keeps calling me? what do I do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    my friend who now has a boyfriend keeps calling me? what do I do?

    hey everyone, kinda difficult to explain but here it goes.

    there is this girl, that I met in 9th grade who was really captivating and whatnot and from around 9th to mid 10th grade, we would speak on the phone every day from 11pm-2am talking about life and whatever... at which point I thought we were close enough to have a relationship (after that long, it's kind of customary, no?) anyhow, turns out she's really complicated and always pursued how we're just friends and would always have these idiotic philosophical conversations about nothing like (would you be friends with me if i was ugly, etc.) - just stupid little things that would make me think how awesome, smart, and advanced as a 15 year old she is. in 11th grade i got into a pretty big fight with her, because as a male, i felt disgusting to be used as another one of her "girlfriends" it simply isn't normal to be in that position for a guy for over 2 years. and then, due to the fact that she has now become the social queen of my high school, not being friends with her meant not being friends with anyone. so, recently, another little gift popped out of her sick manipulative mind, she gets a BOYFRIEND (after consecutively saying how she'll never have one through her philosophical conversations) - so she's an insane hypocrite and feel disgusting to speak to her - she's a flirtatious typical teenager girl, as it turns out. anyway, after the "facebook advertised" that's she's "in a relationship" (which looking burns my eyes like acid due to its hypocrisy), she has the decency to call me and say "why aren't you calling me? why do i have to make the effort to maintain this friendship?"... idk what to say - if i put it blatently that "don't you think it's a little weird that you call me instead of your boyfriend at 1am" (she called me yesterday at 1 am- then i later found out from a friend that her boyfriend is on vacation, so i'm a REBOUND)... so if i say that, then she will completely rationalize it, make ME feel bad, make me feel and sound crazy, and completely manipulate the situation to make me the evil one of convicting her of something she didn't do. it's just so messed up and all i want is to be civil - i don't want to talk to her anymore. she's too much of a hypocrite and she really hurt me/ ffed me up. there's a lot more but i feel a gag reflex coming on. how do i tell her to eff off.... without the queen making it hell for me to be friends with anyone else.... (including her best friend who I like a lot, and with whom i have great relations). what do i do!?

    PS - if anyone is gonna say "i'm jealous, i already know that"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    if you don't wana talk to her you can hardly force it. maybe send her an email explaining that recent things between you have made you rethink everything and that you don't want to go back to how it was. keep it nice... no sarcasm, no swearing no nothing but facts about how you feel.
    They called us a dead generation,
    They told us that we wouldn't survive
    They left us alone in the maelstrom
    As you can see we're all clearly alive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    but what do I say?! she'll call me 10 minutes after reading it and making me feel crazy as usual! telling me that there's nothing wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    she doesn't understand that it's uncomfortable for a guy to be someone's bitc* - especially a girl he likes

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Just because you are a females friend, doesn't mean she owes you a relationship.

    You chose and to remain in this 'friends' situation - so don't blame her.

    Someone can only use you and if you allow them to use you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    well first of all you need to stay calm. you need to tell her that you don't think things are as they used to be and you can't force feelings of any sort just because SHE thinks nothing's changed. mention all of the little things that happen now and that bug you that never used to happen. tell her you think that she should be confiding in her bf more often. say you find it hard aswell but you feel like this is what you need to do and you won't change your mind.
    They called us a dead generation,
    They told us that we wouldn't survive
    They left us alone in the maelstrom
    As you can see we're all clearly alive.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Quote Originally Posted by ppmov View Post
    she doesn't understand that it's uncomfortable for a guy to be someone's bitc* - especially a girl he likes
    But he chose to be her BITCH.

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