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Thread: slut dream????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    slut dream????

    This guy I've been dating (R.) stayed over the other night. In the morning he told me he had a dream I was a little slut (I HATE that word). Anyway, he tells me we were living in an old farmhouse and we had called someone to do some plumbing work on it. The guy who shows up is a famous ex-porn star. I start flirting really badly with him. I give him "the stare" indicating I want to have sex. He looks at (R.) as if to ask if it's OK. (R.) says "sure.. whatever". The guy takes me into an abandoned barn and puts me on a chair and has sex with me.

    After (R.) finishes the dream he says "it was kind of cool I got to watch"

    What the hell????????????

    Does this mean he doesn't really give a shit about me? I asked him if that's how he thinks of me (slut). he said "it was just a dream".. although this coming from the same guy who once told me he takes his dreams very seriously.

  2. #2
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    In front of this screen.
    Does this mean he doesn't really give a shit about me?
    We cant control our dreams, no matter what. Granted, if you play video games or watch porn 12 hours a day, chances are pretty good the stuff you do in your day to day life will make an appearance eventually.

    The only thing you should take from him telling you this is:

    1) He is comfortable with you enough that he feels like it is ok to share his dreams with you. This takes a lot of balls for some guys to do. This is a good thing that he did it.

    2) He is most likely having fantasy or sexual ideas that you 2 arent exploring or have talked about. This is why you are so shocked at this idea.

    3) He doesnt think you are a slut, he most likely thinks that you are a little "lacking" in the sex department. Talk to him about your sex life and find out what it needs.

    There is probably more, but communication seems to be an issue in your relationship. Agree?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Thanks for your response Cybog.

    There is probably more, but communication seems to be an issue in your relationship. Agree?[/QUOTE] We have MAJOR communication problems. I know he's into 3 ways and bi stuff.. but I am majorly emotionally ****ed when it comes to him and I think it's why the sex is suffering. I don't feel very safe emotionally.. and I don't believe he finds me that attractive.. so I guess these 2 things dont make for a great mix at having fun in the sack. Anyway.. thanks again.. I think you have good insight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    slut dream????

    This guy I've been dating (R.) stayed over the other night. In the morning he told me he had a dream I was a little slut (I HATE that word). Anyway, he tells me we were living in an old farmhouse and we had called someone to do some plumbing work on it. The guy who shows up is a famous ex-porn star. I start flirting really badly with him. I give him "the stare" indicating I want to have sex. He looks at (R.) as if to ask if it's OK. (R.) says "sure.. whatever". The guy takes me into an abandoned barn and puts me on a chair and has sex with me.

    After (R.) finishes the dream he says "it was kind of cool I got to watch"

    What the hell????????????

    Does this mean he doesn't really give a shit about me? I asked him if that's how he thinks of me (slut). he said "it was just a dream".. although this coming from the same guy who once told me he takes his dreams very seriously

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    NO!! Im sure he cares about you .. some guys dig that fantasy tho. I wouldnt take it so seriously!
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  6. #6
    Illusional's Avatar
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    maybe he's thinking about a threesome with you. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  7. #7
    Illusional's Avatar
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    did i already reply to this thread?? talk about either de javu or someone is repeating thread.. .hrmm... time for a merge?? raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  8. #8
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    i don't blieve in dreams like that. i think he made it up. don't know the reason though. because i personaly havn't had a dream that has a complete story, and i dought anyone else has 2 rely. everydream i have has no story and just jumpes from one thing to another without warning. no one actualy knows wah dream are xcatly but i believe there just memories all jumbled. and i don't mean memories just from wah we've done. i mean from wah i'v whatched on tv and computer and stuff like that

  9. #9
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    well i feel that dreams sometimes represent the future. they are our minds that are imagining what could possibly happen in life. sometimes are the purely finctional, yet on the other hand, they are our desires. at times, they are just completely insane where everyone possesses the power to fly and teleport. however, don't you ever have that feeling of de javu?? i think that sometimes, we swear we have seen this before because we had a representation of it in our dreams or something along those lines. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  10. #10
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    yeah i know exactly what you mean illusional about the de ja vu thing... and it does make sense and i do believe that our dreams are more than just random things. They do represent something. But I can explain the de ja vu thing. I was watching something or reading something where it said, the reason we have the de ja vu type of reaction is because of the time it takes for one part of our brain to get the signal from the other part, and therefore that lapse gives us the effect of de ja vu... It's pretty neat actually, or maybe i just dreamed that hehe who knows

  11. #11
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    de ja vu is so cool.i don't think dreams represent anything raly. no one realy knows wah a dream is though so. but i do think that ur b/f did make most of his dream up

  12. #12
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    so in reality, how brain is slower than our eyes... raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    yea brain is slower then the eyes cause when u see something for exaple car...coming at u ur eyes see it then ur brain kicks in..then u move..maybe
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  14. #14
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    well the only thing that might be slower is your time to decide what course of action to take, sometimes you just have a reaction that you don't think about thats instantaneous. What I meant was that when the signal gets sent from one part of your brain to the next there is a little bit of a delay so its like you've seen it before.

  15. #15
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    no. its nothing to do with ur eyes. its to do with the message (or whatever u wanna call it) being passed from one side to the other. and sometimes theres a lag time and thats wah causes the de ja vu

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