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Thread: In Love with a Friend - What to do?? Confused.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    In Love with a Friend - What to do?? Confused.

    Hi, im new here...

    so i told my friend at work how i feel about him. He said he was shocked...
    i told him i didnt want to scare him but had to tell him and he said i did not scare him and that he was glad that i told him. he was just really surprised.
    he asked if this is because i just broke up with my boyfriend (i told him earlier about the break up). i told him no, and to take his time and think about it.
    ive known him since last april.

    next day... he says "ive always seen you as a friend".

    which ok wasnt the respose i was looking for, but it left me confused as i thought he was into me before, as i had a friend find out for me and she said he said he was really into me. and i know he was flirting with me, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek when we hung out. which was all about six months ago...

    but now he says "ive always seen you as a friend"?????
    friends dont go kissing me on the cheek!

    i dont get it.

    do you think i should pursue him still? could he change his mind?
    im crazy about him!

    ps. and why would he say that hes glad that i told him??
    doesnt that mean that he liked what he heard, meaning he wouldnt say that if he didnt like me right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    He's glad you told him because it's better to know what's going on, no matter what. The fact that you thought it might scare him is interesting- are you scary?

    Friends DO go kissing on the cheek, FYI.

    Give him time to adjust. You've had this going on for a long time, but for him, it's brand new.

    Also, a lot of people, myself included, think it's a terrible idea to date people you work with.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    somewhere that sucks.
    If a guy says he just wants to be your friend, it's best just to move on. That is easier said than done, of course.

    It doesn't mean you're unlikeable or unattractive. It just means this one person doesn't see you in a romantic way. I know plenty of amazing, attractive people that I have no romantic feelings towards whatsoever. If a guy doesn't like you, don't waste your time. AGAIN, though, easier said.

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