don't worry
don't worry
Last edited by KateMc; 29-04-12 at 08:06 PM.
First off let me say I'm sorry you're hurting. I suggest you read The Five Stages of Grief. It will help you come to terms with this finality and help you to move on so you're not wasting many years of your romantic life having a relationship with your memories.
In the meantime, keep yourself active and involved in things that interest you and keep you happy. Join a gym, a co-ed sports team, take up a hobby where you'll meet interesting people of both sexes. Surround yourself with good friends and do fun things with them. It's not time that heals all wounds... it's what you do with your time that gets you through this.
Be well.
I'm sorry to hear that But you still need to continue to live happy
sure thing
I'm sorry to hear the news.
Thanks for sharing.