Hello people,
Recently I've been involved with a guy only for sex, we are f***buddies and we enjoy having sex every now and then.
Neither him or I want something more serious out of this so we are happy with the situation.
However, sometimes I don't know how he's thinking. He wants to have a threesome (I have never had before) but not with another female. He wants to have a threesome 2 guys and me. From our "sex" discussion we've had he's been telling me how horny he's gonna be when he'll see me receiving sex from another guy and then he can join. Sometimes he mentions about another female but he doesn't seem that interested in this as much as for the 2 guys 1 girl.
I've heard about guys having the fantasy of two girls and one guy. And I can understand this. But I haven't really heard that much about men wanting 2 guys and 1 girl. But maybe you people can help me out with this? How can he be thinking about it??