A little different advice... I agree that love can come out of friendships but the majority of the time it doesnt. And when you really want to be with someone, you want to go with the odds.
You handled your advances entirely wrong the first time around (obviously b/c she rejected you). And now you are looked at as the friend that tried to hit on her. Once you are looked at as a friend, you cant automatically try to advance the relationship to more than friends. Ive heard countless girls say it was gross when their friend tried to kiss them, b/c it was like their brother trying to kiss them. You need two things for a successful relationship, attraction and connection. It sounds like you had the connection part but chose not to build the attraction part. And unfortunately, girls will normally make decisions based on attraction. Yeah, they may say they want a nice guy that they can talk to, but they will end up going for the guy that they are attracted to. So if you have any chance with her you have to start over and rebuild yourself as an attractive guy in her eyes.
By attraction, I dont mean just physical appearance. Sure, that is part of it, but not the most important thing. Girls are attracted to much more than physical appearance. They are attracted to guys with high value. There are several ways for you to show her that you have high value. A few are: dont be needy (i.e. dont tell her you love her, and ask if theres something wrong with you), be scarce (dont sit by your phone waiting for her to call, go out and have fun and turn her down sometimes), date other girls (girls recognize when a guy has options), be a fun guy to hang around (not a guy that makes her have uncomfortable conversations).
Hope this helps! and Good luck!
How to Get With and Stay With the Woman of Your Dreams!