I'm really looking for just some advice or thoughts on my situation.
To start, I dated my ex for 3.5 years, and she broke up with me 5 months ago (i knew it was coming). The break up devasted me, and I'm still in the process of recovering. Over the past months I've brought up the thought of us getting back together, but i gave her the space she wanted and when she was seeing someone else I didn't interfere. Recently we started talking again, nearly every day. I've also seen her twice in the past 4 days, and last night we hooked up.
I'm still madly in love with her, and she still cares alot about me, however shes said "I don't want to be tied down...". Most of what she has said has been saying that she wants to be single and not have everything that goes with being in a relationship. Shes made it very clear that we won't be getting back together anytime soon(summer or next year).
I have been trying to get back together with her since we broke up, and she knows exactly how i feel about her. Part of the reason that we broke up was that she was having feelings for another guy(and things were going downhill for us), and they broke up about a month or two ago.
Its looking like I have an opportunity for a FWB relationship with her in private, but around others (her family) i need to be distant and just a "friend".
Honestly I'm probably going to be hurt, badly, again by her. But just being able to hold her again makes me feel so much happier. I just can't help but feeling a little used and that after the summer is over that I'll end up in the gutter.
What do everyone think about this, and anyone think there is a possibility of this actually getting us back together?