I met this girl, the both of us broke up around the same time from 3 year relationships(beginning of july) and we met about 2 months later. We have been together for 3 months now, and appear to be really into each other. We had the i love you talk a few days ago where we both decided we felt mutual, we are both 22 years old. I really feel strongly for this girl, and as far as I can tell she always feels exactly the same way. She is defintley not the rebound for me, but is it different for girls, I dont want to be someone to just fill the void. She tells me all the time how important I am to her, never mentions her ex, doesnt have his number, never talks to him. hmmm..... I guess after being cheated on for the first time I just feel very insecure about trusting the way someone else feels, or maybe not, i dont know.... any advice?