Alright. Make it as rough as you want, but just be honest and useful. If your gonna tell me I'm an idiot, do it in a way so I can understand and think about what you said, not just to insult me.
She's 20, I'm one year younger.
Okay, I'm the type of person that has something to say to everybody, and nobody has to say anything back just because of the time and effort I put into researching the most basic things and coming up with my own theories.
Rewind last night. Dating website (I know). After an email or two I exchanged numbers with her. Being that I prefer in person over online, and phone over online, and she felt the same way, I was taken back. We talked on the phone... and for once, I didn't know what to do with her.
Honestly, she reminds me of... me. And it's not in a bad way, it's just in a way that "she knows her shit, I can't tell her anything she doesn't already understand". I realized that sometimes people feel this way when talking to me. It's very attractive to me that she's not some dumb college girl getting stoned and blazed every night, and that she actually has her own brains and opinions on stuff.
We are planning to hang out tonight. I really don't know what this whole thread is about. I would say it's about how to talk to her because I don't want to be just another person who doesn't know what to do with her, but that's not really a valid question.... because I know the answer, and that's be myself.
I guess what I'm trying to figure out is if this girl is really something different, or just another mind game playing bitch in sheep's clothing. And if she is real.... we are 2 hours apart, she can make it once a week, and vice versa. Seeing each other every day is impossible, and twice a week is going to be hard if we go through with this.
I'm done typing, just say something, because for once, I'm really confused. And what's worse, I think it's a good thing, because I can learn a lot here, I just need to take in the good with the bad.