I think that this guy likes me. I met him when hanging out at a mutual friend's house. ever since, when I see him at the coffee place that our mutual friend works, he is friendly toward me and jokes and flirts a little.
tonight i was invited to go to our mutual friend's house again and this guy just happened to be at the right place at the right time and offered me a ride. while in the car he showed me pictures of his kids and he drove really slow, like he wanted to talk. we had a good time while there but I am shy so I probably wasn't giving off signs that I liked him. our other friend asked if the guy and i had been doing something before we got there... as if he thought we were just hanging out on our own. then he got a call from someone and our mutual friend asked if it was B___ ( a girl), or if he had to pick up his kids, and he said no it was nothing. Then our mutual friend asked if B___ did not want to hang out that night? And the guy said no it's nothing really, and obviously did not want to discuss it. We had just smoked a bit before and even the night wasn't same after that. He got in a quiet mood after that and obviously wanted to leave, and I felt in that mood too. And then he decided to go because he said he had to wake up early. All after that phone call. Was she his girlfriend, or someone like that? Or was it from smoking... he did that last time we went over to our mutual friend's house too, he got in a mood and ended up leaving. I don't know what to think..