Hey, I'm going to go out with a girl on Friday and it will probably be around 7 oclock or so when we go out, I was talking to my friend and she thinks I should take her to dinner and a movie. Well I was wondering what is a good place to take somone to dinner? I'm not sure where I should go because I'm only 17 and she's 19, so we're kinda young.. I didn't know if I should be taking her to some fancy type restaurant, i'm not rich or anything either.... but then again mcdonalds didn't sound like a good idea to me either lol. Anyways, I'm just trying to figure out some decent places to go to eat. Give me some suggestions, we have a lot of places to eat right near where we are, so a lot will probably be the same for you guys.. or just generalizations.
Lol I'm also debating whether or not I should tell my mom that I'm going on a date with someone now, it's always a little weird when i talk to her about stuff like this because I don't do it that often. Anyways, just gimme some dinner tips guys Thanks