I am 53 and my b/f is 66. We have been together for 13 years.
Just recently in church a woman's husband passed away. She was devoted to him to the end. She is 61, blond, blue eyes, a very nice person.
My b/f made a comment about whoever goes with her will be a lucky man. She speaks to everyone. She has spoken to my b/f and I many times. There seems to be a spark of some sought in her eyes when she speaks to my b/f. She has been widowed for a year now.
Should I be worried that maybe my b/f finds her attractive? My b/f and I have never been unfaithful to each other. There were times when I broke up, that he hung in there and waited to work things out between us. He says his love for me is "unconditional". Am I thinking crazy at such a thought?