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Thread: same story with ex.....???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    same story with ex.....???

    About 2 years ago i started seeing a boy, I really liked him, and he liked me. we were kind of dating, sleeping together, partying together and so on. anyway, after about 2 months i wanted to know where i was with him, and he couldn't answer, all he said was he didn't want a proper reltionship at that time. so didn't sleep with him after that- obviously, and afer about a week he started seeing someone else. i was jealous and started to get crazed about it. I must admit i went a little pyscho, and i think i scared him! anyway, we saw each other often at clubs and that, and we were fine with each other, then i realised that i really missed him and wanted him back. i liked him so much, he was just the perfect guy for me! anyway, i kind of got obsessed with him, and i couldn't see any one else because i wanted him. after a while things did get better, i forgot him and have since been in other relationships. at the end of it all, we didn't even speak to each other. i knew through friends he was working away, and there were times when his friends got in touch with me, because apparently he wanted to know what i was up to. so anyway, i didn't think we would ever speak to each other again, i have always talked about him to my mates and that. so the other day he texts me! since then we have been constantly texting, i know he only ever comes home every 2 weeks, and i know he doesn't want a relationship. I have always wished to have him back, who knows if he might change his mind about the relationship??? i know all he wants is someone to sleep with, i don't know if i am fixing myself up for more heartache again......what do you think??? it might go good, it might not, i don't want to let my feelings from then come in to it now. we have both changed, we are older! things might be different??????

  2. #2
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest
    I don't get it. Why do women always have to make it into something. Don't you people enjoy sex at all? If nothing else, just have some sex...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i am not a slut, i will be enjoying all the sex, i am just wondering why he just wants sex...... i don't know i am a bit confused ;.)

  4. #4
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest
    LOL...A guy wants sex. What could be more straightforward than that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    About 2 years ago i started seeing a boy, I really liked him, and he liked me. we were kind of dating, sleeping together, partying together and so on. anyway, after about 2 months i wanted to know where i was with him, and he couldn't answer, all he said was he didn't want a proper reltionship at that time. so didn't sleep with him after that- obviously, and afer about a week he started seeing someone else.
    Well DUH! You were giving him what he wanted. When he discovered he couldn't get it from you anymore, he went somewhere else to find it. If you didn't want sex without a relatoinship, why'd you start having sex with him before establishing that in the first place?
    so anyway, i didn't think we would ever speak to each other again, i have always talked about him to my mates and that. so the other day he texts me! since then we have been constantly texting, i know he only ever comes home every 2 weeks, and i know he doesn't want a relationship. I have always wished to have him back, who knows if he might change his mind about the relationship???
    You're right. We don't KNOW whether he'll change his mind or not. But I say there's pretty good odds that he WON'T change his mind. If you think he'll change his mind about the idea of a relationship, the only thing to do is to withhold the sex until you hear it from him. And even then, you won't KNOW whether he's lying or not.
    i know all he wants is someone to sleep with, i don't know if i am fixing myself up for more heartache again......what do you think???
    I think you know the answer. If you are attached and DON'T want just sex, then you're fixing yourself up for heartache. If you just want sex and no relatoinship, then you'll be fine.
    i am not a slut, i will be enjoying all the sex, i am just wondering why he just wants sex......
    Are you serious? Are you seriously asking why he "just wants sex"? Tell me you're not serious. PLEASE.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    He just wants some ass and you know it too. If you sleep with him and get hurt it is your own fault now.
    One day the Moon said to me, "If he makes you cry, why dont you leave him?" I looked up at the Moon and said, "Moon would you ever leave your sky?"

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