I have a big problem with my boyfriend's good friend, (lets call him 'Bob')
He is extremely sleezy, rude, obsessed with sex and anything to do with sex and can be quite nasty to me when my boyfriend is not around.
My boyfriend is the most decent guy and wouldnt say a bad word about anyone, though he is quite nieve.
Bob winds me up every day and I am so sick of him. He is constantly making jokes about my boyfriend checking out other girls and cheating on me.
A few months ago when he was very drunk, he pushed me agaisnt a wall and tried to kiss me when no one was watching. My bf saw this and came over but Bob told him he was only joking around, when i know he clearly wasnt.
I am fed up with Bob but I don't think I can do anything about it because my bf likes him a lot. Can anyone give me any advice please before i explode??