C + A (in such a way that it doesn't seem like you're "trying" to do (A).., but that it just happened.., beyond your control)
To help in that.., be flirty.., and then tell the girl you're interested in.., "ugh.., I hate it when ___ calls me.., I don't know why she just won't get the point.., and I don't want to be mean or rude to her or anything.., I don't want to hurt her feelings.., so I don't know what i should do.., and it's just so frustrating when she wants to talk or call me.., I just don't feel the same way about her.., but I have no idea how to let her get the hint without hurting her feelings.., what do you think I should do.., as a girl.., how would you want a guy to let you know that?"
Things you accomplish:
- Make her aware to the fact that other girls are interested in you
- Maker her realize that you are single by choice.., not by consequence
- Make her see you in the position of rejecting (power.., non-needy.., not desperate)
- If you pull it off right.., and your delivery is intention-free.., then you also show that you don't give a sh*t about what she's doing with anyone else..
Warning: You may encounter one of these by her.., to try and get a reaction from you..
"I hope it doesn't bother you that i'm talking to ___"
You: No.., not at all.. blah blah.. (wrong answer)
You: Uhh? (look at her like she has three eyes).., OK? (in an almost laughing tone of voice.., say) I don't know why you think it would bother me.., but thanks for asking I guess.. (smile suggestively) Why? Do you WANT it to bother me? (good answer.., sh*t-calling)
Notice how one answer is filled with traces of thinking about the issue and denial.., while the other radiates indifference and total control and power over the situation.., it's your choice which one you'd like to go with..
(Though.., i've recently grown tired of girls who play games.., yeah.., I know.., good luck trying to find a girl who you're attracted to.., interested in.., and who doesn't play games.., but I just don't feel that it's worth countering all the games anymore.., fcuk it.. I'm taking a break.. and I suggest you do the same.., it's more effort than it's worth.., just try and find someone who's not a little girl anymore and is at least a little bit more mature.. less drama.., that's always good for everyone)
If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.