Hey people. I wasn't sure where to post this so if there's a better place just move it, I don't mind at all.
I'm looking for a mid/long-term relationship after being heartbroken for a couple months and I found this girl, who is 2 years older than me (17).
I met her like 4 weeks ago, she came with some friends of mine, and we got to know each other a little (ok, very little, she's not the social type).
I didn't even remember her but last week I was at the cafe and she came to me, she remembered and I talked a bit with her.
Last night I went out and she was at the same bar as me... I kept watching and I saw the girl rejecting three guys and I got a bit scared lol but when all my friends left (as well as most of the people) I went to her (I know her friends, I've attended her school before) and I was there until 3am. I took her to a cab and she went home with two other friends (girls).
It's not very easy talking to her, I guess she isn't really the social type but I managed to keep her talking because my bestfriend is also like that and I'm used to it. Anyways, my problems are: I don't see her too often and I don't know how to stand out... After all I may be just a kid to her...
If you have any ideas, post away... I might as well make an hi5 (she's there) and start talking to her... I guess it's a bit lame, but as I don't see her too much...
note: Just a small note, I just found out that she is a direct member of the richest family in my city so she may think I'm after the money or something? I'm not interested in marrying her lol. Just felt I should add.