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Thread: Need your valuable advice!!!

  1. #1
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    Need your valuable advice!!!

    Month ago, I saw some girl who was working at some place, and I really like her. So, 7 days ago, I asked her out, but she told me she got BF, and did not accept. It seems that she is kind of really shy and quite. when I talk to her, she is so nervous and her face becomes as red as red. I can't say she isn't interested in me because I can see that her eyes are always on me when we meet. Yesterday, I went to her and asked if she has changed her mind or not. But, she told me she hasn't. So, when I was there, I could see that her eyes were at me. but because of her shy personality, she just can't talk to me or even look at me. So, here I am, little bit confused. What shall I Do now??? Should I keep asking her if she has changed her mind or not??? How should I appraoch her??? I need your little advice!!! Thanks guys!!!

  2. #2
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    If she has a boyfriend she has a boyfirend. Tell her that the date is open when ever she is single again and wait.
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  3. #3
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    Ask her once and she says no, then move on. She does't need a daily reminder that you are obsessing over her. Unless sounding like a creepy stalker is what you are going for, then be my guest.

    You don't know her, you don't "like" her, and she has a boyfriend. "This little one's not worth the effort".

    Find someone else to pine over. You are simply wasting your time if you don't.


  4. #4
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    no means no dude.

  5. #5
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    if she is shy she is never going to come to you unless she overcomes it. have u seen the boyfriend that could be a lie u know a defense mechanism. i think asking her twice is enough leave it. just keep staring at her across the room that way she might get used to it and not be shy around u. but i dont think asking her again is a good idea. why dont u just play the friend card say lets just be friends and see how it goes from there.

  6. #6
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    forget it dude.... she's just not into you... it's normal that she looks at you when she sees you because you ask her out and so she can't avoid it, your not a complete stranger... And if she has a boyfriend how can you have doubts?! move on.... There's plenty of fishes in the sea, you just need to catch them...
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  7. #7
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    But guys, she looks at him when he talks!

    That has love written all over it!

  8. #8
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    usually when i talk to someone i never look at that person, you know... He might think i'm gay and if it's a she, she might think i like her so i never look to the persons i'm speaking to... normally i close my eyes.... or else they might get the wrong impression...
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  9. #9
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    That's what I am trying to say Guys!!! If I leave her alone, and wait her to come to me, she probably will not come up to me. She deosn't have the guts to come up and talk to me. I don't know what's the problem. She seems to be okay with other people, when it comes to me, she become so nervous.
    Anyhow, she might be lieing about having BF.

    Okay! so there is more to it. Yesterday, when I went there again, her friend was looking and smiling at me constantly. I was sitting across the room looking at her, and it seemed that her friend was persuading her to come up to me, but she was little nervous. She kept avoiding her, though they were at my sight. I also saw them talking outside, laughing with each other. In the end, her friend asked me a lighter, and I saw her friend trying to make her come up to me and return my lighter. So, what's this mean?????
    Last edited by ronfq; 09-03-05 at 01:28 AM.

  10. #10
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    Well what you could do if you want to know is talk with her friend. See whats up. I mean the girl is saying no or playing to hard to get time to move on. Its nice to put some effort into finding someone but, how much time do you want to invest into the situation if there is no end insite? Peace Out!

  11. #11
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    This is what I think I saw, and then next thing you know the other girl comes up to me and asks for a lighter. That's pretty much all that happened. I got asked for a lighter.

    Dude. Do you really spend your time thinking about and planning these things out? Do you even know this person's name, other than the fact it is printed on her nametag?

    What you are seeing is people interacting with each other at their job. What you think they are doing is talking about you and coaxing each other into being with you, when in reality (where the rest of us live) this isn't happening.

    If you want a chance with this girl, do this and then be finished with it:

    Walk up to her with a piece of paper and your name and number on it. Tell her flat out that if she changes her mind, give you a call. Then walk out and never come back.

    You need to get a clue and stop harassing these girls. For all you know they are making fun of you and laughing at you. Stop taking every single thing someone does as a "sign" that they want to be with you and just move on in life.

    You have expended waaay too much energy into the notion that this broad is "The One" and not nearly enough into other areas where it should be in your life, such as "How to man up and tell it like it is and not get so bent out of shape over a woman"-hood.


  12. #12
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    yeah dude. can't you take a hint. wait she didn't even give you a hint she said no flat out. can't you take no for an answer. if she liked you, she would have said yes when you asked her out. how many times does she have to reject you before you understand this. you're one of those bugaboo's.

  13. #13
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    By This Summer, If I Can't Take Her Out, Um Out. Um Done With It.
    Until This Summer, I Will Invest As Much TIME As Possible To Change Her Mind.

  14. #14
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    I Don't Care Cybog! I Don't Care If They Laugh At Me Or Make A Joke Out Of It. Though, U Are Right Man. All The Things I Know About Her Came From Only Twice Meeting Experiences. I Only Know Her Name From Her Nametag.

    But, Okay, Let's Look At This Situation From Positive Perspective. Let's Say She Is Really Shy And Afraid To Go Out With Me Due To Both Her Sensitive Personality And Some Personal Issues At Home Or Wherever; And, I Also Feel This Way Because I Have Seen And Have Talked To Her, And I Have Seen Her How Reacting To Me.

    As Some Of You Advised Me, I Will Not Ask Her Again Whether If She Has Changed Her Mind Or Not. Though, I Will Keep Eating There, And Sit Across The Room, And Stare At Her; Until Summer. If She Won't Come Up Me, Then I Will Move On, As, Again, Many Of You Consulted Me. How Does It Sound Guys???

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hey ronfq i was joking at you in my last post. The reason she gets nervous while talking to you is because you're making to much pressure on the poor girl. Nobody likes when someone is obsessed by us. Because it makes people nervous. Dude do what cybog said or else move on. If you insist more and more it will get worse and worse when you give up (if that will ever happen) 'cause every time you insist; more you like that girl... GIVE UP!
    live her alone... i feel pity for her....
    I'm that star up in the sky
    I'm that mountain peak up high
    Hey, I made it
    I'm the world's greatest

    Dreams come true, you just need to have them... (my dream came true... I just hope I never wake up)

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