I've dated this guy on and off for over 5 years now. I think we both came to the conclusion that if we were going to be serious, it would have happened already.
So now, he only comes over to have sex with me, and if he's going to spend "quality" time with me, he'll come over late at night, we'll sleep together and have sex, then he'll leave before breakfast - on a weekend morning, mind you.
We say "I love you" since we did when we were friends years ago, and he wants to include me in family and friend functions, but in the end, our only real time together is sexual. This weekend we didn't see each other at all and he came over for 2 hours last weekend, during which we fooled around and he left. We talk a few times on the phone during the day...then some days, no communication at all.
Can this be classified as a friends with benefits situation?