Wife and I have been married 4 years. When we hooked up we both really liked sex. Wife has lots of insecurities around my ex-wife who left me.
My wife just had twins via c-section. So during last month of her pregnancy we could no longer engage in sex and she seemed distant. I noticed, however, that she started visiting porn sites including animal porn sites during this time.
after our twins were born, we had two nights of intercourse but she complained of burning sensation both times. Her online activity still shows frequent visits to same two porn sites.
All visits are done when no one is home. She still says she loves me from time to time but all intimacy seems gone. She was always pursuing sex but has stopped.
Twins are two months old now.
My question is... Why does my wife feel she has to visit porn sites secretly? If she is masturbating, why not include me? She use to.
Do I have anything to be worried about?