I am sitting here, at work, bored out of my freakin mind, waiting for the clock to roll around to lunch time... and then I got to thinking - i wonder what all of you people do at YOUR jobs... So I started this thread.
I'll go first:
I work at Reef Industries ([url]www.reefindustries.com[/url]) and I don't exactly know my job title because I have piled on so much extra tasks that I cover more than 1 department now.
Originally I was hired on as a Data Clerk to do nothing but data entry all day long. The bosses noticed I get done with my work too fast and get bored and start playing games or playing on the net.. So they added me to the collating department as a helper. Collating is basically the mail room (not the junk mail, thats Direct Mail Dpt). We do small amounts of mail - no more than 500 peices per job - anymore than that goes to Direct Mail. When potential customers call into our job requesting more info we send them samples and letters and brochures and crap. Really boring shit, but time consuming to a degree.
Thomas did such a shitty ass job in the department I took over for him. He laid back and I would do the work and I got credit for it. I learned everything and anything about that department in hopes I would one day take it over. About a month later he quits. W00H00 ! The department is mine. Along with all his other tasks.....
All of a sudden I am manager of Followup (data entry), manager of Collating, the Tradeshow Organizer/Manager, and the mail runner - the guy that runs the mail to the building next door to be processed and I run everyones incomming outgoing mail to the apropriate people. All of a sudden I have my plate full and I am loving it.
My boss's boss thinks that I am doing too many jobs for the amount of money they are paying me, so I get exited thinking I am getting a raise.. Instead I train Karina to be Collating Manager and I be her helper. And no raise. So my plate is still full, and I am getting alot of recognition from the entire company - all the way up to the owner (the president too, they are two diff people). Everyone loves my work and they said they would have collapsed if I wouldn't have 'stepped up to the plate' when Thomas just quit. So this is a good thing for me..
So, in the mornings I come in to my office, enter all the leads from the day before. Then I go to the main office and help Karina catch up on her outgoing mail and making new packages, then when needed I go to my other office and get the tradeshow materials in order and send them out or whatever - then all thruout the day Karina and I take turns doing mail runs next door.
Thats about it.
So what do YOU do at your job ?