A guy who is 19 and has Autism, same as me, has recently came back into my life. I met him recently weeks back at our local drama club in town. H e has asked me to "Hang out or meet up sometime" he suggested we go for a drink. We've been messaging on Facebook a little and in his texts he uses a fair few emojis such as the normal kiss face, a normal wink face and the open eyed and toung out, "Panting" face 3 times now for that one. Recently he has started, well in the last two previous messages anyway, he added a kiss at the end. First time he put one lowercase "x" at the end. The second time he has put "xx" at the end, two!? I'm confused because it might just be friendly? I know girls are silly and giggly and send them all the time to their friends of both boys and girls, they use only one right usually? and I'm sure guys do it too even with other guys ,although never as often. The thing is we have never really been friends nor know each other well but we have bumped into each other during "life itself" I was wondering if this meant that he fancies me as in a crush kind of way? because why would a guy see me for the first time in rather a while and move fast, if you will and know what I mean.
What do you think folks?