1. Chicks dig stuff that smells good, but not insinuating that she smells bad. (IE deodorant and perfume are out, but candles and lotions are good.)
2. Never buy a girl clothes. This is bad bad idea. Just trust me on this. Unless you guys have been together awhile or married, no clothes.
3. Lingerie - Same as above. Chicks dig it when you have dated longer, but not right away. Ever.
4. Household stuff - Good when it is something she specifically states she wants or needs, otherwise don't get. This makes a chick think that you find her domestic or homely. Bad idea.
5. Jewelry of any kind is pathetically sad, unless you are proposing with it, married, or in the 9th grade. Just take my word for it and don't do it.
6. Goofy stuff - Chicks like funny/goofy stuff that has no actual value, but is something that resembles her/your relationship/something she likes etc. I have bought stuffed animals, shirts, toys...all kinds of goofy stuff that chicks dig simply because it meant something.
7. Cards - Definitely something good. Dropping a note letting a girl know you like/love her at some random ass time is good. Hell, making your own out of construction paper will swoon a lot of chicks too - It's the thought that counts.
8. Something you made, within reason. See above. Chicks don't want a 12'x12' bookshelf you hand-carved, but if you made her a goofy (see above) present out of random stuff sometimes that can have an impact as well.
9. Random emails reminding them of how much you like them - Similar to cards, chicks dig it when you show them that you are thinking of them at random times.
10. Art - If you are the artistic type, find out something they like and create/draw something for them. It doesn't have to be elaborate, but just show them that you are attentive to what they like/enjoy. Warning - No pictures you drew of them unless you are good. See Napoleon Dynamite for an example.
In closing - Chicks want stuff that shows you care and know something about them. They want things that they can keep as a reminder of just how great their boyfriend is. (Remember - Girl = Scrapbook / Collector types) Showing a girl you have a huge bank account and buying her a $5,000 bracelet won't always show her you care as much as remembering her birthday without being reminded.
Hopefully some of these help.