I've been single for a while now. We'll leave it at that. Until recently, I always presumed it had something to do with me. I wasn't manly enough, nice enough, too nice, outgoing enough, etc.
I'm starting to look back, and basically, I just wasn't around many attractive people. Basically the attractive ones weren't around all that often. Last girl I had anything with was actually one of the few cases. Her older brother thought I was kinda cool, then when she came in as a freshman, I found her attractive and was chatting with her a bit and it just kinda worked. Since then, The case has usually been that I meet a girl in some random band gig or meeting of sorts, we get along, enough for me to establish that I'm attracted, then they end up being from another school, or some sort of incompatible hogwash. Hard to describe specifically, they're sort of "you had to be there" moments.
Here's a better example. Took a Calc II exam last semester. Afterward, I was talking to a guy about how the test went and a girl from the class had joined in later. The guy left, but me and the girl were talking about school, then science and whatnot. Had a good long discussion and I though we kinda clicked, but that was, like, at the end of the semester and she was in the class at a different time.
But yeah, in college, a good majority of my friends are girls, but none of the are really too attractive. And when one IS attractive, there's usually some way pushes them away. Either that, or it's my own stupidity for not grabbing a number when I had the chance haha
Kinda sucks, too, because instead of being mildly attracted to quite a few girls, I'm deeply attracted to one distant one. I'd obviously prefer the former.