Every time I come to this country I seem to lose a CRAZY amount of weight. I'm not saying the food is bad here, it's just not for me.
I'm a semi-vegetarian, I'll eat meat but most of the time I just don't like the way it tastes. I can only have it every couple of days otherwise I'll get absolutely sick of it. There's meat in EVERYTHING here. I asked for a ceasar salad and they dumped bacon and spicy peppers on top. I've been living off of fruit, potatoes and beer which seems to be my secret diet for weight loss.
I put on my jeans today and they nearly fell off. I was elated. I lost 2 belt notches. Back home I was exercising and dieting like crazy trying to lose some inches and weight. I was having no luck. Who knew all I had to do was go to a country where I couldn't eat anything
I know this post is useless. Mostly I'm just bored trying to kill time before my 6am flight. Sorry