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Thread: clockwork infection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    clockwork infection

    I feel bad for Betty. She hasn't been feeling that good the last few days down there. Said it feels like she's coming down with a "cold" because that's as close as she can explain. She said that she's very sensitive to getting sick from water and every year around this time, gets sick somehow. She said she can't take baths much anymore because they give her problems, either from soap or dirty water bacteria getting up there, but only takes showers now. She thinks that either from taking a bath with me, or going to a public pool started something down there. She doesn't have discharge, but it hurts to pee for her now so it sounds like a urinary tract infection.

    The woman at camp is taking her to a doctor and thinks it can get cleared up with a day or 2 of pills. Betty is very upset, not that she's sick, but that she's sick NOW. I told her that if she's sick when she visits, that I won't make her do anything, that she shouldn't worry about me being disappointed. She said "It's not that. I WANT to have sex with you. I'm looking forward to that and I don't want to miss it!" hehe. I liked that answer. So, I think she should be ok by the time she gets here. But we won't take a bath again just to be safe. ;-)

    Also, nobody at the state human resource department knows what the deal is with the budget and start time. They say "It's still tentativly August 1st, but don't terminate your current employment because we don't know what the status is." That's not a great answer, but i'm still hoping it gets delayed. They stated in a letter that they would guarentee us 2 weeks notice for current employers as to not make a black mark on our work record. Yesterday was the 2 week mark for August 1st and I called today and everything is still unknown. So if all of a sudden it's August 28th and I get a call saying to come down on August 1st, then i'm screwed work-wise, and also moving out of my apartment! How sh*tty will it be to have a rush-apartment move like that? I'm trying to organize now, but how can I start moving out in secret? I hate not knowing my recent fate.
    3 out of 2 people have problems with fractions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I feel your pain. My future is also up in the air. We've had lay-offs and office gossip says I am next to go. I don't mind change but this long slow process of waiting for change to happen is really hard.

    As for Betty it sounds like a UTI - I have them often and as much as it sucks - they are usually pretty quick going away.

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    That's good to hear as for the lifespan of a UTI. I hope your career path becomes something stable for you soon. We all could use a little job security at least in the sense that nobody is telling us we're next! :-)
    3 out of 2 people have problems with fractions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I believe, as many folks around here seem to, that everything happens for a reason - IF I get laid off I believe there are other opportunities out there for me. It's just the state of limbo that's so hard to handle.

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

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