my brother has been gone at a few weeks at a time. this weekend was the first time i have saw him in 3 weeks... he stays at his girlfriends house the whole time... btw he is only 16. i think over time, he has become obsessed with her... its gotten to be creepy... for me.
last night my girlfriend came over to visit me. parents had left(they knew she was coming, dont worry!) she made me a batch of my favorite cookies. it went really well between me and her. but my brother had become bothersome. screaming at the top of his lungs for attention (?), acting dumb (?), singing off pitch to music (?), standing outside my window smoking a cigar (???), and knocking on my door for no reason (?). it really annoyed the hell out of us.
when my girlfriend had to leave (at 10:30) my brother got in our faces and demanded she gave him a ride to town so he could see his gf.(town is 15 miles away). neither of us trust him so we didnt want her giving him a ride. (we dont trust him because he robs stores and crap. he also does drugs, drinks, and smokes. he got fired last weekend from his job because he cussed out his boss.) she didnt want to give him a ride also because he was calling her names and shit, like 'bitch' and he was calling me names also. and even though we told him no, he followed us out the door with a dufflebag(presumably full of clothes and things so he could stay at his gfs house) and started yelling at her to give him a ride. she was in her truck and he opened the door and threw his shit in. i didnt know what the hell he was thinking, but i did know he wasnt riding with her. so i threw his shit out. he started cussing me out n tried to climb in(?) i grabbed him and threw him out. so he had his little tantrum and went and punched my moms 2000 monte carlo ($20,000) and screamed cuss words at the top of his lungs. i apologized to my gf that she had to see it and told her to leave. if i hadnt been out there he prolly woulda hit her pickup! ($50,000). after she left, i went inside. shortly after, so did he. called me names and yea. he had some friends come and get him.
he gets so hostile, its a serious problem. he breaks stuff all the time. throws things, cusses people out, hits people(he is afraid to hit me though)... infact hes hit my mom before. he is such an asshole. people like this i think end up in jail... i wish there was a way to correct this (?)... he refuses anger management and denies these things to his counselor(whom he is forced to see). if i hadnt been there he woulda hit my gf. i would never let him.
i checked later last night to see if he dented my moms car and, lol, there wasnt a dent in it... infact she hadnt given it a car wash in a long time so it was all dusty. there was like 3 spots on there were it wasnt, prolly where he punched it... i thought that was kinda funny.
along with that he owes my mom about $150 for phone bill, doesnt have a job, and prolly wont pay her. he is completely irresponsible.
what would you do in this situation? how would you have reacted if you were me? what would you do today? who would you tell? how would you resolve this problem so it doesnt happen again?
what should i do?