Hey guys, I need help with the current situation that I am in right now. To
start i'll give you guys some background on the story. Last summer I went
on a date with this girl and had a blast. We were going to go on another
date but she got called into work and then the next week she actually got
kicked out of her house. With the summer being almost over and time to go
back to college, I asked her if this was going to go anywhere or if she still wanted to hang out during the breaks. She said that she wasn't really the one to rush into things. So we went to school and didn't talk for a while and now I had the urge to start talking to her all of the sudden. She seems really interested in me, but she never initiates the conversation. I don't know if she is just that type of girl who wants the guy to always text first. Anyways, for spring break I am going to check out a school in Washington to see if I like the campus and such. She lives near the campus and I told her that I was coming up and she told me she would want to hang out. So I was thinking about if things go well that I will tell her that I like her, but I don't know if I should or not. What do you guys think? Should I wait till I get into the school and try to pursue?