I recently reconnected with a guy from highschool whom I had a major crush on for that time. It never "happened" because I was insecure and we were just friends. We reconnected about a month ago and went to dinner alone and then to a party. It was easy, very fun, and one of the best nights of my life. We were (in my opinion) very flirty and had some great conversation and a slightly drunken time... but nothing "happened."
This guy is really an amazing person... I find him very interesting, sweet, attractive, and just wonderful. We've been talking some since that night (he goes to school two hours away, while I am in school near his parents, so he does come back.) and it continues to be flirty... "I miss you" and "Come visit me" are just some of the phrases.
How does one know whether they are on "friends" boundaries or not? On one hand I am hesitant to make a move or start the conversation because I don't want to lose a friend if he is not interested in me like that. But on the other hand, what do I really have to lose, because it's driving me a little crazy having these feelings for him that I can't act upon.
I'm not usually one to come to forums for advice, but I don't know what else to do... and having some advice from guys sounds like a great tactic; you would know. Thanks in advance.