My boyfriend broke up with me 3 weeks ago now after having dated for about 2 years. I was surprised, confused and devastated that we broke up because things seemed to be going good. He had gone on a trip with a group for a week and we weren't able to have much contact during this time but before he left, things were perfectly fine! He had even insisted on spending the day together (he was planning it all) for the weekend after he got back. But when he got back, all of a sudden things seemed weird, he barely told me anything about his trip unless I asked him specific questions and he seemed distant. A day or 2 later I called him to talk about me being worried. We talked for a while but eventually he decided that whatever was wrong couldn't be fixed and that we had become best friends instead of anything else. Obviously I was devastated and heartbroken but 2 days later he came over and said he made a huge mistake and asked me to take him back, I did. We spent the next couple hours together, he went home and then he told me he thought we got back together for the wrong reasons. I asked him to at least try so he said he would but I could tell he wasn't into it so I told him to make a decision 2-3 days later and he broke up with me again...
During the short time inbetween both breakups i found out that there was a girl on his trip that was really into him and was constantly flirting with him. Some people say he was flirting with her too but he denied it. He had been completely loyal to me for 2 years so I believed him obviously but now he's texting her constantly and hanging out with her and I can't help but think he broke up with me for her.
We tried still being just friends but it KILLED me to be with him like that. He'd act like we're dating when we're not and I felt like he was leading me on. I told him we can't be friends right now and that worked for a while but at the same time he's my best friend! I've gone to him for so many things over the past 2 years so it's been hard. On top of all of this, he's been having a hard time and I wish I could be there for him. I just don't know what to do! Do I be friends with him? I feel like I've started to get over him and I don't want to take a step in the wrong direction but do I just leave him to having such a hard time even though I want to be there for him so bad?