Okay, so my current beau and I have been dating for a few months. Nothing too, too serious, but we seemed to be developing something. Had a wonderful time over the summer when we met up with each other for a little holiday and he even met my dad.
Anyhow, I generally let him make the moves, the phoning or emailing or whatever and I respond promptly. I've gotten the feeling more or less that he is comfortable with this, maybe even more comfortable.
Now we are back and both heading back to work after some time off. Though we met for a few days on holidays, we otherwise did our own independent travelling, as we are both that type, and we had made our own separate plans anyhow.
But this weekend he was heading to an awards banquet for which he was nominated for an award. It is a community association that I'm involved with as well. normally I wouldn't otherwise be too interested in going to the banquet, but since he was nominated, I asked him if he wanted company. He said yes, of course.
Anyhow, that little gesture alone seemed enough to really through him. I could sense his awkwardness with it (throughout the evening). And when we got home that night we started talking about that and other things, and he seems to be getting all squeamish about the relationship, hoping I'm not expecting too much, blah blah. He likes what we've got going on, but doesn't really know about anything more, blah blah.
Enough talking and then he seems to start backtracking and I did spend the night regardless and by the time he dropped me off the next day he said, gee, it was a good night (interestingly enough the intimacy that night was particularly open and lots of talking about sex....). . . . He wondered if maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all.
Arggghhh. I don't really know at all. frankly I don't want to bring up this discussion again cuz it was exhausting and upsetting for me and the truth is I am not overly anxious to get him to commit in any big way. I told him my expectations to date have been pretty low, (mutual respect), .... as we haven't had any discussions to date. But now that we were talking about it, I guess I'd like to let you know that I'm not dating anyone else and haven't been. He confirmed he wasn't either and that this is consistent with his expectations too.
Argggh....I feel like this is a pattern with men, or at least for me and men. That we date for a while, they seem to be putting forward the interest, and then they seem to freak themselves out - without any pushing or prompting from me, and then back off.
To be honest, by the time we said goodbye I wasn't too sure if what we had was really great break up sex or what?
He phoned me up the next day to talk and I wasn't around but I expect I'll talk to him in the next day or so. I'm reluctant to actually address anything at this point, cuz I felt like we talked a lot in circles, and all it did was exhaust and confuse us?