Hi guys:
What should I think? I started seeing someone who enjoyed going to see live music a lot which I was psyched about because I'm a musician/singer and my previous boyfriend wanted nothing to do with it. Anway he would invite me to see shows with him except for one particular band. He knew I enjoyed their music becuase he sent me the link to their website and I checked it out and told him I really liked the music (original). After a few months of dating and he is going to their shows without me but meets a lot of friends there and would tell me all about the show and after parties I asked "so when am I going to get to see the band?" He responded "you can see them any time you like". I said "You're not going to invite me?" Then he said he doesn't feel it's a good environment to bring a date since he is usually running around a lot doing things for the band (recording & technical stuff and merch table) and he socializes a lot.
I felt really hurt and wondered if he was embarrassed by me or was interested in someone in the group...