Thread closed. Please take note of the forum rules and guidelines. Thanks.
9) Moderators are human (some of us). We can occasionally make a mistake about the things that we do or what we say. If you have a problem with a moderator, send a P.M. to that Moderator, or to another moderator about the issue. Please do not start a thread bashing or "calling out" moderators, as this can and will cause dissent on the boards, and may land you a temporary ban.
We do have to sift through a lot of posts to keep up with the forums. If your threads were non-contributing, they might get deleted. If they break any of the above rules, they might get deleted. What we WON'T usually do, is explain why your thread was deleted or edited. We just don't really have the time to write out explanations to every thread that we delete. We DO post comments on the threads that we delete (regular members can't see these), so that the other mods can take a look at why it was edited. The boards are nice and clean and mostly spam free, and this is because we try to keep the threads on track.