Your thoughts?
Any Catholics in the forums?
I'll give you (and me) to learn more before posting more comments...
Your thoughts?
Any Catholics in the forums?
I'll give you (and me) to learn more before posting more comments...
i would hate to have 15 people before me with the exact same name. can't you think of something different??
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
I'm agnostic but I watched them announce it. Watching history in the making is never a bad thing. I thought it was nice. He looks like a nice man. I hope he does good things for the catholic church.
As dean of the College of Cardinals, Ratzinger had delivered a particularly sensitive homily at John Paul's funeral. He followed it up with a fiery speech to the cardinals before they entered their conclave Monday, warning about tendencies that he considered dangers to the faith: sects, ideologies like Marxism, liberalism, atheism, agnosticism and relativism - the ideology that there are no absolute truths.
Got this off of
I'm already against this pope.
I'm against the Catholic church period.
I'm not particularly against it, but I sure as hell don't care for it.
Maybe AGAINST it is a strong way of putting it. I sure as hell don't care for it either.
Since it started, it's always been about giving a bunch of old guys unnecessary power.
i agree with everything up until the absolute truths thing. i'm positive there are none. well none that we are capable of knowing anyway. but those other things really are a threat to the faith. marxism? come on. i'm into marxism too but could you imagine our country if a bunch of people were into marxism. they'd basically be in the business of bringing down capitalism. i love capitalism! hell many people in communist countries love capitalism. why do you think they all come here?Originally Posted by Frasbee
albiet he is a conservative pope.
i hope he let's priests marry and doesn't try to convert muslims. other than that i don't really care.
I doubt there is a god and if there is then I hate him anyways. Put me under 60% athiest and 40% agnostic. The church is not getting my dollar(that I dont have anyways) on the collection plate.
"Why are you an atheist?"
"because I paid attention in science class."
Yeah, I'd rather donate my time and money toward something with more practical and immediate impact, as far as charities go.
Nomas----He's described as an intellectual who speaks 10 languages and a hardcore traditionalist. Whilst I don't agree with the Catholics, at least he will be a STRONG leader, he won't waver. Unlike the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury who tends to waffle about :-(
THis guy is gonna cause some serious problems in the near future, mark my words. Im not the biggest fan of organized religion, and this guy gives me a very bad feeling....
Heh but who the hell am i to talk about this guy, who knows he might be cool.
Boys dont cry...
All i have to say about this matter is.......i dont care.
I think the whole catholic religion is a load of bull.What the hell is all that no contraception all about.He obviously hasnt heard about std's lol
Originally Posted by sammyjo1986
Yep, Im not a fan of the catholic religion, or any religion at that. You see, i was raised as a JW, so yeah, i have forever been "turned off" to any kind of organized religion. In regards to the pope, He's old as dirt, and he looks "cynical." I have a bad feeling about this guy. It seems like he is a die hard conservative. Watch out you homosexuals, and sinners!!!
damn religion f*cks everything up
I donīt like him very much
he doesnīt want to do any progress and that will not help
they say itīs just a short pope.. really he is old, so I hope the next one will be better
If someone can translate.. creo que es demasiado cerrado y anticuado, tradicionalista, y el problema está en que la influencia que ejerce la iglesia alrededor del mundo es demasiado grande, y aunque en paises del primer mundo no se note demasiado, en paises más retrasados sí lo hara) Ill try myself
His is not open to the new world ideas ( like using condoms or gay weddings) and the problem I see is that in the first world the influence wount be very big, but it will in other countries.
the catolic church.. so rich.. doesīnot care about problems like Aids in africa.. they could really help but they still care about.. donīt make love.. donīt use protection because thatīs bad...
so many deaths.. itīs sad
Y morirme contigo si te matas, y matarme contigo si te mueres,
porque el amor cuando no muere mata, porque amores que matan nunca mueren